| General Financial Aid Information - Adventures in Education
- This site contains basic information on a selecting a school, how to get money for school, what parents need to know, and a financial need estimator.
- CNNMoney
- Current articles on organizing personal finances to prepare for college.
- College Board Financial Aid Profile
- On line registration and FAQ for the PROFILE, a program of the College Scholarship Service® (CSS®), the financial aid division of the College Board. Many colleges, universities, and scholarship programs use the information collected on PROFILE to help them award nonfederal student aid funds.
- College Countdown
- Fully integrated with videos, worksheets, and software to help you determine what you can afford to spend on college and then to find colleges that match your affordabiliy.
- College Data
- What will college really cost? The College Net Cost Calculator will help you uncover your true out-of-pocket costs to attend any college. Site sponsored by 1st Financial Bank.
- College Illinois
- Site from the Illinois Student Assistance Commission helps students plan how to pay for college.
- College Planning
- While this site features information on the entire college preparation process, it is sponsored by a credit union and its financial information features are especially strong.
- College Savings Calculator
- This site helps parents plan how much they need to save for college. The site can accomodate up to four children and allows parents to input the ages of each child as well as planned earnings and education inflation.
- College Savings
- The purpose of the College Savings Calculator is to help people develop a savings plan for a college education. To use this tool you will need to enter your current savings amount, the rate of return, your monthly contributions, and the education cost inflation. You can print out your results in terms of balances and expenses by the year or total costs by child.
- Completing the FAFSA
- Get detailed information on how to complete each question on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
- Debt Free U
- Articles covering how to pay for college, budgeting, and managing loans. Calculators and tools to help students investigate college funding, and repayment options, devekio budgeting skills, and plan for their financial futures. A blog featuring content from financial professionsl, reporting news and tips that keep you up to date on financial issues.
- Educaid
- Education lender offers information about its student loans and federal student aid.
- Education Grant
- Site consolidates information about grants, scholarships, financial aid and student loans. You can also search for financial aid here.
- eStudent Loan
- Compare loans and apply online with major lenders. Search for scholarships. See what loans your school recommends.
- FAFSA on the WEB
- An interactive application that students can use to apply for federal student aid over the net. Extensive help screens prevent errors that can delay processing.
- Federal Student Aid
- Good starting point for information about all the finacial aid programs administered by the federal government.
- Federal Student Aid for Counselors
- While the federal government prepared this site to help counselors give good financial advice to their students preparing for college, students and parents will find it valuable to read themselves.
| | |  | | | | | |  | | | - FinAid: The Financial Aid Information Page
- Financial Aid Information Page - regularly updated, current, objective - vast source of all types of financial information. Be prepared to deal with lots of ads that keep this site free. This is the most complete financial aid page we've found so far!
- Financial Aid News
- Monthly newsletter is packed with valuable resources and ideas to help you pay for school, and manage your finances.
- Five Steps Financial Aid Journey
- Interactive eBook and videos to help students learn about the importance of comleting the FAFSA, estimating college costs, exploring financing options. Produced by Wells Fargo bank.
- Fundsnet
- Fundsnet™ is a privately owned Web site created in 1996 to assist nonprofit organizations find funding resources on the Internet. It has pages listing scholarships and financial aid opportunities.
- How to Pay for College
- This site explains the financial aid process in clear and simple language.
- Illinois 529 Plans
- Site explains the threecollegesavings plans sponsored by the state of Illinois.
- loans4students
- While this is a commercial site sponsored by a financial institution involved with college loans, it has a user friendly explanation of the financial aid process for both parents and students.
- National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
- Professional site has many links to financial aid information of special interest to parents
- Project Student Debt
- Scholarships only go so far and college is ever more expensive. This site will keep you well informed about ways to secure loans and the ramifications of the debt you will accumulate.
- Sallie Mae
- Extensive financial aid site including scholarship and loan information.
- Selective Service
- Males must register for selective service before they can receive financial aid. This site allows you to register on-line.
- Seven Easy Steps to the FAFSA
- A video tutorial for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Simple Tuition
- SimpleTuition is designed to help you find your way to your ideal college loan. Consumer-friendly technology has revolutionized mortgage and car loan shopping: the same thinking here brings you an objective, sortable, online comparison solution that will make your college borrowing choices a whole lot clearer. Behind simple, straightforward navigation, a complex engine crunches real numbers to give you real results. The Lending Tree of loan sites.
- Student Loan Network
- Student loan company site offers information about the whole financial aid process.
- Ten Financial Aid Pitfalls
- This essay about mistakes to avoid is sponsored by a bank that handles student loans, but is applicable for any student in need of financial aid.
- Title IV Institution Codes
- Use this site to find your school's Title IV code when you fill in your FAFSA.
- Ultimate List of College Cost Calculators
- Use this guide to estimate the total cost of college. Site includes various calculators such as tuition calculators, study loan calculators, estimated family contribution (EFC) calculators, college savings calcualtors and budgeting calculators.
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